ZNDK 2020

This year ZNDK will take the form of an ONLINE competition.

Depozitul Kendama is organizing National Day of Depozitul Kendama again this year.

Due to the period in which we live, it is not possible to organize individual competitions in cities, so we give the chance to all participants to participate directly in the final.

This year ZNDK will consist of 3 divisions.

Beginners is the division for the players who just started playing kendama. This division will have a tricklist compose frome basic tricks.

For a fair competition, please do not enter in this division if you are playing from more than 1 year or you know that your level is higher!


Base Cup Spike
Around Japan
Bird In
Lighthouse 3 sec
5 Moshikame
Big Cup Orbit
Big Cup Clack to Big Cup

Medium Division is for the players who are good at the basic tricks and can combine them for different variations. The tricklist will consist of a variety of medium tricks that are suitable for a contest.


1 Turn Airplane – Jumping Stick
Inwanrd 1 Turn Lighthouse, Inward Falling In
Lunar Trade Spike
Swing Bird, Kenflip Spike
Stuntplane, Inward throw to Lighthouse, Stuntplane
Double Juggle Spike
Hanging Lighthouse, Trade Spike
Stilt, Flip to Lunar, Flip In
Airplane, 0,5 Juggle Spike
Underbird, Trade Airplane
Handlestall, Base Cup, Spike
Swing Penguin Spike, Earthturn
Inward Lunar, 180 Rover, In
Spike, Whirlwind / Inward Whirlwind
Turntable, Spike

PRO division is for the advanced players who can do the majority of tricks and for those who won last editions of ZNDK and other contest held by Depozitul Kendama in tha past on the Medium and Pro. The Tricklist for PRO division is choosen by you, using our daily story posts on instagram Depozitul Kendama


Va fi publicat când se va termina de ales prin intermediul Instagram.

Pe parcursul concursurilor online vom avea si o tombolă cu premii pentru participanți. La această tombolă vor participa toți cei înscriși indiferent de categorie sau clasarea în competiție, singura cerință este să fie prezenți online cu noi în timpul concursului, respectiv al tombolei.

To participate in the contest you must register by filling out the following form:

    The rules, the program and other details about the contest are to be published here. Check out this page as well as the Kendama Warehouse Instagram page to find out all the details.

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